:Ingredients::- 1 pre-made pizza dough OR canned biscuit OR crecsent rolls
- 1 package of shredded mozzarella cheese
- 1 package of sliced pepperoni
- 1 jar of pizza sauce
- 1 jar of marinara sauce for dipping
First, find a surface and roll out the pizza dough. It should come in a can like cinnamon rolls you’d bake, so just spread it out thinly out of the tube. If you want to make things easier for yourself, you can do this right on the foil covered baking pan so you can prevent spillage when you transfer it onto the pan.
After you have the dough laid out, spread out the sauce & pepperoni slices over the dough leaving a half inch from the side. Add the fillings if you want, spreading it as thickly or as thinly as you’d like, depending on how full you want to be. Top it off with a sprinkling of the cheese.

Now, the vital part of stromboli, the rolling of the dough. Very carefully, beginning from the right side, pull the dough tautly over the ingredients and roll. Stuff may fall out as you get to the end, but it doesn’t matter. You can eat it. When you’re done, transfer it on to the foiled baking pan if you haven’t already. Center it, then pinch the roll’s edges. Spray with some cooking spray, and top with parmesan cheese and salt and pepper to taste. Cut diagonal slashes across the top layer of the roll, not too big, with a pretty sharp knife. This will prevent gross air bubbles from ruining your dish.
Preheat your oven to 400F degrees. Put it in the oven, and set the oven’s timer to 12 minutes. Check on the stromboli, and if it’s golden brown take it out. Leave it in for a few minutes if it doesn’t look crispy and still has that whitish doughey appearance.
Slice and serve with Marinara sauce.